What Role Does Legacy Giving Play in Capital Campaigns?Today’s donors have embraced a diverse variety of giving methods, and many nonprofits are racing to catch up. Non-cash gifts of assets...
Amplify Your Planned Giving Potential: Unlocking Top-Tier Results Through Strategic PartnershipsIn today’s competitive fundraising landscape, organizations are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their planned giving...
Unlock Major Giving Opportunities: 4 Prospect Research TipsWhether you work for a university launching a new scholarship fund, an art museum opening a new gallery wing, or an animal shelter...
Boosting Donations with Chariot: A New Tool for Faster, Easier Donor-Advised Fund Gifts Through Giving DocsFor nonprofit organizations, making the giving process as smooth and efficient as possible for donors is essential to increasing gifts...
4 Ways Your Website Can Support Your Legacy Giving ProgramAuthor: Ira Horowitz Legacy giving, also known as planned giving, is a critical component of nonprofit sustainability. It allows donors...